Image copyright T. Bidon / TUM

TUM Research Aims to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Poultry Farming

Julia Steinhoff-Wagner, a Professor of Animal Nutrition and Metabolism at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), is...
Photo © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Bernhard Ludewig

Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Munich Researcher and Colleagues

This year's Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three researchers, including Ferenc Krausz, the Director of the Max...
Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Professor of Coding and Cryptography; Facr-Zeh was photographed in the chair building on the TUM campus downtown Norgdelaende N3, on September 17th, 2021; Photo: Astrid Eckert, TU

Quantum-Safe Data Encryption: Researchers at TUM Take on NIST Challenge

As the world advances technologically, our reliance on the internet for daily tasks grows stronger. From online shopping...

Erbium Dopants Stimulated to Emit Single Photons

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have made...

New method improves measurement of brain activity

Measuring the activity of the human brain on a cell-by-cell basis was previously only possible to a very limited extent....

Online trials - when the avatar negotiates

Online court hearings are becoming increasingly important. Since the Corona crisis, courts have been increasingly working...
Image copyright, Stefano Ferrario

Cure for age-related blindness on horizon

Life Biosciences, a biotechnology company developing innovative cellular rejuvenation techniques to reverse aging and...

Italy bans laboratory meat

Italians have an intimate relationship with their agriculture, which is known to produce many good foods. Farm animals are...
Image by Irfan Ahmad

Google discovers security gaps in smartphones

Small chips, big security holes: A security team from the Internet company Google has found serious vulnerabilities in...
Image by Alain Audet

2022 was one of the two warmest years on record

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), Germany experienced an "exceptional weather year" in 2022. According to the...

Test flight for NASA "Artemis" moon mission launched

After months of postponements, the crisis-ridden NASA lunar mission "Artemis 1" departed on Wednesday for a first test...
Photo by Enma Kent

Europe's first ecosystem with its own rights

The largest saltwater lagoon in the western Mediterranean is threatened with ecological collapse. Intensive agriculture is...

Google reduces the error rate of its quantum computer

Nobody's perfect - this is especially true for Google's quantum computer "Sycamore," which two years ago was able to solve...

Mathematical modelling could reduce infection rates

A quick scan of the cell phone display and the long-awaited entrance to a movie theater, a concert, a handball hall, or...